International Events 2019

Cusco / Peru
02-09-2019, 4:00pm

Presentation and Talk at the
Baroque Festival Latin America, 02 – 04 Sept.
Presentation of the Composition “Harmonice Mundi Jovis” of Guenter Bergmann
with Simulation of the orbiting Jovian moons, in cooperation with Martin Spindler
Talk: Music – Geometry – Cosmos
The Harmony of the Spheres in a New Light

Venue: Auditorio de Centro Cultural del ICPNA (Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano)
Avvenida Tullumayo 125 – Cusco

Lima / Peru
04-09-2019, 8:00pm

Talk in German
400 Jahre Weltharmonik von Johannes Kepler
und ihre Bedeutung fuer die heutige Zeit

Host: Anthroposophical Society Lima
Venue: Colegio Waldorf Lima, Av. José Antonio 125, Camacho, La Molina, Lima

Lima / Peru
05-09-2019, 8:00pm

Musica en el Sistema Solar – Music in the Solar System
Presentation of the Composition “Harmonice Mundi Jovis” of Guenter Bergmann
in cooperation with Martin Spindler

Host: Deutschsprachige Evangelisch-lutherische Kirchengemeinde in Peru / Christuskirche
Venue: Christuskirche, Iglesia Luterana en el Perú, Calle Monte Casino 190, Surco, Lima 33
Event poster

Cuenca / Ecuador

Talk in English
400 years of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler
and its significance for our time

Host and venue: Uriel Center for the Arts and Education,
Timoleón Carrera 1-40 y José Burbano, Cuenca, Ecuador

Read article

Cuenca / Ecuador
10-09-2019, 9:45am

Talk in German
400 Jahre Weltharmonik von Johannes Kepler
und ihre Bedeutung fuer die heutige Zeit

Host: Exzellente Deutsche Auslandsschule / Colegio Aleman Stiehle di Cuenca

Venue: Direccion Autopista Cuenca-Azogues km 11.5 (Sector Challuabamba)
Booking required, booking address: casc(at)

Quito / Ecuador
11-09-2019, 10:15am

Talk in German
400 Jahre Weltharmonik von Johannes Kepler
und ihre Bedeutung fuer die heutige Zeit

Host: Exzellente Deutsche Auslandsschule / Escuela de Música Colegio Alemán Quito
Venue: Colegio Alemán Quito, Calle Alfonso Lamiña S6-120, vía a Lumbisí – Cumbayá
Booking required, booking address: info(at)

Quito / Ecuador

Talk in English
400 years of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler
in the light of modern astronomy

Host and venue: Colegio Pachamama, Barrio San José de Rumihuaico, Tumbaco, Quito
Booking required, booking address: SECRETARIA GENERAL, Elizabeth Díaz Álvarez, , Telf. 3823210/2373837 / 2376963

1 October 2019, 7:30pm – Talk in London

400 Years of Johannes Kepler’s
The Harmony of the World

Host and Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London

2 October 2019, 7:30pm – Talk in Stourbridge

400 Years of Johannes Kepler’s ‘Harmony of the World’
– Its Signifiance for our Time

Host: Clent and Stourbridge Group of the Anthroposophical Society
Venue: Eurythmy Room at Elmfield School, Love Lane, Stourbridge
Information: michaeljonespiano(at)

3 October 2019, 8:00pm – Talk in Forest Row

400 Years of Johannes Kepler’s ‘Harmony of the World’

Venue: Foundation room, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Host: Tablehurst Farm/EmersonCollege,

4 – 6 October 2019 – Course in Forest Row

‘… the heavens’ embroidered cloths …’
Patterns of the Planets

A practical three-day course with Daniel Docherty (Sacred Geometry) and Hartmut Warm
Venue and Host: SAOG Studios, Ruskin East, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, UK
Information and booking:

8 October 2019, 7:00pm – Talk in Durham

The Harmony of the Spheres –
400 years anniversary of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler in the light of modern astronomy.

Venue: Ushaw college, Durham
Information: pamela_giese2000(at)
– starting time and venue address soon –

9 October 2019, 7.30pm – Talk in Edinburgh

400 years of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler in the light of modern astronomy

Host: Edinburgh Anthroposophical Group
Venue: Steiner School, 60 Spylaw Road, Edinburgh
Information: deniswight(at)

10 October 2019, 7.00pm – Talk in Edinburgh

The Signature of the Celestial Spheres – A modern confirmation of the ancient idea of the Harmony of the Spheres

Host: Edinburgh Theosophical Group
Venue: Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 25 Palmerston Road, Edinburgh
Information: theosophyedinburgh(at)

11 October 2019, 7.30pm – Talk in Paisley

The Harmony of the Spheres – 400 years anniversary of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler in the light of modern astronomy.

Host: Renfrewshire Astronomy Society
Venue: The Secret Collection, High Street, Paisley
Information: william(at)

12 October 2019, 10.15am – 4.30pm – Day event in Glasgow

The Harmony of the Spheres – 400 years anniversary of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler in the light of modern astronomy.

Host: West of Scotland Dowsers & Glasgow Theosophical Society
Venue: Glasgow Theosophical Centre, 17 Queens Crescent
(near St George Cross Underground Station)
Information: pat(at)