
The Signature of the Celestial Spheres – The program 2.1

The trial version can be activated fully. All the functions are enabled by the licence. On request, for an additional fee of 7 GBP / 8 Euro / 9 USD, a CD can be provided which also contains the same trial version which can be licenced and thereby activated.

Licence prices:

(including free updates for 3 years):

– Single-user version (A): from 25 GBP / 29 Euro / 32 USD (depending on your income), only for private use or for internal use in a company or an institution.

25 GBP / 29 Euro / 32 USD: for those with low income
42 GBP / 49 Euro / 56 USD: for those with medium income
59 GBP / 69 Euro / 79 USD: for those with high income

Please bear in mind that the development of this program took years and that we do not receive any public support or other sponsorship.

10% will be donated to charity (refugee aid, environmental projects).

– Educational version (S): 69 GBP / 75 Euro / 85 USD, for educational purposes in schools and universities.

– Full Version (V): for public demonstrations or commercial use: Price on request, depending on the nature and scope of the intended use.

Discounts for multiaccess licence:

2 to 4 licences: 25%
5 to 9 licences: 35%
10 to 24 licences: 50%
25 to 49 licences: 60%
50 to 99 licences: 65%
over 99 licences: 75%