Talk and workshop during the course Patterns of the Planets, 11 – 15 July 2022
10 am: Patterns and Relationships in the Solar System
2 pm: The Marriage of Twelve and Five in Geometry, Art and Nature
Venue and host: SOAG Studios, Emerson College Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, UK
Information and Booking:
A systematical approach to the hidden order and beauty in our solar system
in a course of 4 events by Hartmut Warm
online-course in English with Chinese translation
1, 8, 15, 22 December 2021, 19:30 – 21:00 time in China (12:30 – 14:00 time in Germany)
Information and registration (only in Chinese):
21 January 2021
19:30 time in China (12:30 time in Germany)
Signature of the Celestial Spheres –
Beauty and Harmony in the Solar System
online-course in English with Chinese translation
Information and registration (only in Chinese):
12 October 2019, 10.15am – 4.30pm – Day event in Glasgow
The Harmony of the Spheres – 400 years anniversary of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler in the light of modern astronomy.
Host: West of Scotland Dowsers & Glasgow Theosophical Society
Venue: Glasgow Theosophical Centre, 17 Queens Crescent
(near St George Cross Underground Station)
Information: pat(at)
11 October 2019, 7.30pm – Talk in Paisley
The Harmony of the Spheres – 400 years anniversary of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler in the light of modern astronomy.
Host: Renfrewshire Astronomy Society
Venue: The Secret Collection, High Street, Paisley
Information: william(at)
10 October 2019, 7.00pm – Talk in Edinburgh
The Signature of the Celestial Spheres – A modern confirmation of the ancient idea of the Harmony of the Spheres
Host: Edinburgh Theosophical Group
Venue: Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 25 Palmerston Road, Edinburgh
Information: theosophyedinburgh(at)
9 October 2019, 7.30pm – Talk in Edinburgh
400 years of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler in the light of modern astronomy
Host: Edinburgh Anthroposophical Group
Venue: Steiner School, 60 Spylaw Road, Edinburgh
Information: deniswight(at)
8 October 2019, 7:00pm – Talk in Durham
The Harmony of the Spheres –
400 years anniversary of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler in the light of modern astronomy.
Venue: Ushaw college, Durham
Information: pamela_giese2000(at)
– starting time and venue address soon –
4 – 6 October 2019 – Course in Forest Row
‘… the heavens’ embroidered cloths …’
Patterns of the Planets
A practical three-day course with Daniel Docherty (Sacred Geometry) and Hartmut Warm
Venue and Host: SAOG Studios, Ruskin East, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, UK
Information and booking:
3 October 2019, 8:00pm – Talk in Forest Row
400 Years of Johannes Kepler’s ‘Harmony of the World’
Venue: Foundation room, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Host: Tablehurst Farm/EmersonCollege,
2 October 2019, 7:30pm – Talk in Stourbridge
400 Years of Johannes Kepler’s ‘Harmony of the World’
– Its Signifiance for our Time
Host: Clent and Stourbridge Group of the Anthroposophical Society
Venue: Eurythmy Room at Elmfield School, Love Lane, Stourbridge
Information: michaeljonespiano(at)
1 October 2019, 7:30pm – Talk in London
400 Years of Johannes Kepler’s
The Harmony of the World
Host and Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London
19-09-2019, 11:15am – Talk in Quito/Ecuador
Beauty and Order in our Solar System
Host and venue: Colegio Pachamama, Barrio San José de Rumihuaico, Tumbaco, Quito
13-09-2019, 11:00am – Talk in Quito/Ecuador
400 years of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler
in the light of modern astronomy
Host and venue: Colegio Pachamama, Barrio San José de Rumihuaico, Tumbaco, Quito
11-09-2019, 10:15am – Talk in Quito/Ecuador
400 Jahre Weltharmonik von Johannes Kepler
und ihre Bedeutung fuer die heutige Zeit
Host and Venue: Exzellente Deutsche Auslandsschule / Escuela de Música Colegio Alemán Quito
10-09-2019, 9:45am – Talk in Cuenca/Ecuador
400 Jahre Weltharmonik von Johannes Kepler
und ihre Bedeutung fuer die heutige Zeit
Host and Venue: Exzellente Deutsche Auslandsschule / Colegio Aleman Stiehle di Cuenca
08-09-2019, 3:00pm – Talk in Cuenca/Ecuador
400 years of The Harmony of the World by Johannes Kepler
and its significance for our time
Host and venue: Uriel Center for the Arts and Education,
Timoleón Carrera 1-40 y José Burbano, Cuenca, Ecuador
05-09-2019, 8:00pm – Talk and Presentation in Lima / Peru
Musica en el Sistema Solar – Music in the Solar System
Presentation of the Composition “Harmonice Mundi Jovis” of Guenter Bergmann
in cooperation with Martin Spindler
Host: Deutschsprachige Evangelisch-lutherische Kirchengemeinde in Peru / Christuskirche
Venue: Christuskirche, Iglesia Luterana en el Perú, Calle Monte Casino 190, Surco, Lima 33
Event poster
04-09-2019, 8:00pm – Talk in Lima / Peru
400 Jahre Weltharmonik von Johannes Kepler
und ihre Bedeutung fuer die heutige Zeit
Host: Anthroposophical Society Lima
Venue: Colegio Waldorf Lima, Av. José Antonio 125, Camacho, La Molina, Lima
02-09-2019, 4:00pm – Presentation and Talk in Cusco / Peru
at the Baroque Festival Latin America, 02 – 04 Sept.
Presentation of the Composition “Harmonice Mundi Jovis” of Guenter Bergmann
with Simulation of the orbiting Jovian moons, in cooperation with Martin Spindler
Talk: Music – Geometry – Cosmos / The Harmony of the Spheres in a New Light
Venue: Auditorio de Centro Cultural del ICPNA (Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano), Avvenida Tullumayo 125 – Cusco
12-14 October 2018 – Course in Forest Row
A practical three-day course with Daniel Docherty and Hartmut Warm
‘… the heavens’ embroidered cloths …’ Patterns of the Planets
Venue and Host: SAOG Studios, Ruskin East, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX, UK
Information and booking:
see Poster
11th October 2018, 8:00pm – Talk in Forest Row
Sacred Geometry in the Structure and Movements of our Solar System
Venue: Foundation room, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Host: Tablehurst Farm/EmersonCollege,
9th October 2018, 7:30pm – Talk in Stroud
Harmony of the Spheres –
An Ancient Idea in a New Light
Venue: St Lukes Therapy Centre, 53 Cainscross Road, Stroud, GL5 4EX
Host: The Anthroposphical Society Gloucestershire
8th October 2018, 7:30 pm – Talk in London
Beauty and Harmony in Geometric Star
Figures and Planetary Movement Figures
Host and Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
6th Oct. 2018, 10.00 am – Talk in London
Harmony of the Celestial Spheres –
Musical Intervals and Planetary Ratios
Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
Host and Information: RILKO,
1st August 2018, 7:00pm – Talk in Jossingfjord
(preparation of Kepler’s year 2019), 29th July – 03rd Aug. 2018
The Dance of the Planets and of the Jovian Moons
Venue: Kraftstation/Jøssingfjord (near Egersund/Norway)
Host and Information: Event Poster
20th October 2017, 7:15 pm – Talk in London
The Fulfillment of Kepler’s Dream: Geometric Order within the Solar System
Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
Host and Information: RILKO,
21st October 2017, 2:45 pm – Talk in London
Talk on The Sacred Mathematics and the Liberal Arts Festival
21st – 22nd Oct. 2017
Cosmic Geometry in the Structure of the Planetary System
Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
Host: The Mathematical and Astronomical Sciences Section of the Anthroposophical Society GB
23th October 2017, 15:45-17:15 – Talk in Forest Row
Talk on the Symposium Number, Harmony and the Measure of Heaven and Earth
22nd – 23nd Oct. 2017
Harmony of the SpheresVenue: SOAG Studios, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Host: SacredArtofGeometry (SAOG Studios)
Information and
24th, 10.00 am – 27th, 12.30 am – Workshop in Forest Row
Form and Harmony in Cosmos and Life
A three-and-a-half-day workshop together with Daniel Docherty
(sacred geometry) and Philip Kilner (phenomena of rhythm and fluidity)
Venue: Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Host: Philip KilnerInformation and
26th October 2017, 20:00 -Talk in Forest Row
Signature of the Celestial Spheres – The Dance of the Planets
Venue: Ruskin Hall, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Host and Information: Tablehurst Farm/EmersonCollege,
14th October 2016, 18 – 21:00
Music of the solar system – About the order in the Solar System
Talk Hartmut Warm:
What does the Universe tell us about Creation?
Presentation and computer simulation: Günter Bergmann’s composition
“Harmonice Mundi Iovis” in the orchestral version by Martin Spindler
The presentations will be enriched by Lieder of Schubert, Schumann and Dvorak
Bodil Victoria Arnesen, soprano and Martin Spindler, piano
Venue: Sokndal kirke – Hauge i Dalane/Rogaland (near Egersund/Norway)
Host: In cooperation with Sokndal community/sokn, Magma Geopark and the Ambassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
7th November 2016 – Talk in London
The Signature of the Celestial Spheres: The Dance of the Planets
Venue: Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA.
Host: The Astrological Lodge of London
5th November 2016 – Workshop in Forest Row (Emerson College)
Workshop together with Daniel Docherty
Plants and Planets
Venue: Rachel Carson building, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Host and Information: P.Kilner(at)
To book the workshop call 01825 713 314 or visit
3rd November 2016 – Talk in Ringwood
Harmony of the Spheres – An Ancient Idea in a New Light
Venue: Folly Farm Lane, Ringwood, BH24 2NN
Host: Ringwood Waldorf School
Information: phone 07875252804
2nd November 2016 – Workshop in Brighton
Geometric Archetypes and Harmonic Relationships in the Solar System
Venue: Grand Parade, Performance Studio
Host: Brighton University, College of Arts and Humanities
For information and to sign up (obligatory): 07523272407 or email k.snook(at)
30th October 2016 – Talk in Guildford
Harmony of the Spheres
Venue: St Catherine’s School House, 26A Portsmouth Road, Guildford, GU2 5DJ
Host: Practical Philosophy Guildford
Information: see Poster
Talk in London – 28th October 2016, 7:15 pm
The harmony of the spheres –
Correspondence between musical and planetary ratios and other aspects
Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
Host and Information: RILKO,
11 October 2015, 15:00
Lecture during the RILKO Autumn Conference,
Studies in Patterns – Cosmic Dimensions (10:00 – 19:30)
Signature of the Celestial Spheres
Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
Host: RILKO, Studies in Patterns
10. Okt. 2015 – Workshop Forest Row (Emerson College)
10 October 2015, 9:00 – 12:30 am
Workshop during the course: Goetheanism at Emerson
Harmonic order and relationships
within the solar system
Venue: Rachel Carson building, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Host and Information: Robert Lord, robert(at), Tel. 07817 778351
To book the workshop call 01825 713 314 or visit
08 October 2015, 7:30pm
Harmony of the Spheres
Venue: School Hall at Elmfield School, Love Lane, Stourbridge
Host: Clent and Stourbridge Group of the Anthroposophical Society
Information: Michael Jones, Tel. 01384 393706
07 October 2015, 7:00pm
(doors open 6:30)
Geometry in the Structure and Movements
of our Solar System
Venue: The Royal Asiatic Society, 14 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HDH
Host: The Temenos Academy, Patron HRH The Prince of Wales
05. Okt. 2015 – Lecture London (SciMedNet)
05 October 2015, 8:00pm
Harmony of the Spheres –
An Ancient Idea in a New Light
Venue: Hampstead, please register at:
Host: Scientific and Medical Network
2004 – 2014
19 January 2015, 7:30pm
Illustrated Talk in German and English
Die Harmonie der Sphären (Harmony of the Spheres)
Venue: St Columbia’s URC, 70, Headingley Lane, Leeds LS6 2DH
Host: Leeds Anglo German Club and Wharfedale German Circle
contact: janemill2(at)
16 January 2015, 8:00pm
The Music of the Spheres
Venue: The Guildhall, Guildford High Street
Host: Guildford-Freiburg Association
contact: peterslade(at)
Abingdon (near Oxford)
15 January 2015, 7:30pm
Music of the Spheres
Venue: Abbey Chapel, Checker Walk Abingdon, OX14 3JB
Host: Abingdon Anglo-German Club
contact: monagbradley(at)
19 November 2013, 7:30pm
Talk: Signature of the Celestial Spheres –
Meaningful Order in the Heavens
Venue and Host: The Wellspring Bookshop, 5 New Oxford St, London WC1A 1BA
Spaces are limited so if you want to know more or book a seat please contact:
Phone:+44 20 7405 6101
16 November 2013, 2pm – 5pm
Workshop: Signature of the Celestial
SpheresThe Dance of the Planets
Venue and Host: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
Information: Tel. 0044-(0)20 7723 4400,
– Booking advisable
Forest Row
15 November 2013, 9.00 – 12:30 am /
7:30pmDuring the course: Goetheanism at Emerson
Workshop: Signatures of the Planets
Talk: Harmony of the Spheres –
An Ancient Idea in a New Light
Venue and Host: Ruskin Hall, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
To book the workshop call 01342 822238 or email:
13 February – 09 March 2012
Exhibition: Planetary Movement Figures
05 March 2012, 7:30pm
Talk: Signature of the Celestial Spheres
Beauty and Harmony in the Solar System
Venue and Host: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT
Information: Tel. 0044-(0)20 7723 4400,
04 March 2012, 7:30pm
The Signature of the Celestial Spheres
Music meets Mathematics meets Astronomy meets Geometry
Venue: The British School Hall, Gloucester St, Stroud, GL5 1QG
Host: The Anthroposphical Society Gloucestershire
Contact: Arthur Edwards, Tel. 0044-(0)7979 935359
Forest Row
02 March 2012, 7:30pm
Talk: Signature of the Celestial Spheres
Venue and Host: Ruskin Hall, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Contact: Robert Lord, T. +44 (0)1342 822 238
Exhibition:Images of Planetary Movements
New York City
12/15/2004 – 04/15/2005
Anthroposophy NYC, 138 West 15th Street
New York, NY 10011